Fiona Forman

Fiona Forman

Fiona Forman is an author, primary school teacher and well-being in schools facilitator and trainer. She holds an M. Sc. in Applied Positive Psychology, which is the science of well-being. She is the co-author of the Weaving Well-Being programme, a positive mental health series for children that is now in use in over 60% of Irish Primary Schools and which will shortly be launched in Australia. She is passionate about placing well-being at the heart of school life and empowering teachers, parents and children to understand and enhance their own mental health.

Fiona has spoken on this subject at many conferences and is available to deliver talks, workshops and training. She can be contacted at

For more information on the Weaving Well-Being programme, please see


Fran Buckley & Elva Glynn


Dr. Darria Long Gillespie