
Everyone can feel anxious at times, it is a very normal emotion to feel. When you are anxious you are fearful or worried about something that has not yet happened.

You may feel anxious if you have a test at school. In this case, maybe your brain is telling you, you need to study more and you are feeling anxious because you know you have not done enough.

You can feel anxious too about the way people look at you and see you.  You may feel anxious about being away from your mother or father. You may feel anxious starting a new school. These are very normal feelings to have.

Taking a few deep breaths the moment you start to feel anxious can help you feel better. Look at what is making you feel anxious and see if there is anything you can do to take away some of the anxious feeling away. For example, if you are anxious about a test maybe you can study more or ask someone to help you understand something.

If you have moved to a new school you might feel anxious about how other people will react to you. You might be tempted to change yourself in order to “fit in” with whom you think are the cool people. Remember it is always better to be yourself rather than change yourself to make someone like you. If someone does not like you the way you are, you are better off finding someone who likes you for being you, a real friend who wont insist you change to suit them.

Worrying about what other people think about you can make you anxious so try and remember you are wonderful the way you are! There is only one of you, you don’t have to change to fit in, just be yourself.

Getting out for a walk in nature, or cycling can make you feel good.

You can learn how to do something called tapping to help you with your anxious feelings. 

Take a look at the picture of the teddy and the picture of the alien. See which one you prefer. They are showing you where you can tap.You can go here and see Conal using tapping to get rid of his fear of getting sick in the car!!!

You can always change the words and say something like this.

Even though I feel so anxious I accept myself and I am a great kid.

Even though I feel anxious when I am in the schoolyard I am a great kid.

I know that I am a good enough person just the way I am.

I am worthy of having friends.

I allow this anxious feeling to leave my body and I allow myself to be the best kid I can be.

And remember, it is ok to feel all the emotions you feel.