Natural Perfume


Price includes shipping to Ireland

Supporting your health and wellness with natural perfumes.

Using natural products is a great way to reduce our toxic load.

Each of the products I produce is made from the finest ingredients, coconut oil and essential oils.

I do up specific blends for people or you can choose a Goddess Chakra Blend.

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Chakra Goddess Blends

First Chakra

This is associated with The Goddess Hestia. Supports us be present in the now, having our basic needs met.

Use this blend for grounding in the present moment.

Second Chakra

This is associated with the Goddess Aphrodite. Supports our creativity and passion.

Use this blend for blocked creativity and to bring more joy into your life.

Third Chakra

This is associated with the Goddess Athena.  

Her attributes are strength in tough times, the ability to set up strategies and to go after her goals with a strength of character and strength of will.

Use this blend to support yourself standing in your power.

Fourth Chakra

This is associated with Quan Yin.

Her attributes are to develop self-compassion and to help us fill our own cup.

Use this blend to support at a heart level and to have more self-love for ourselves.

Fifth Chakra

This is associated with the Goddess Artemis. If you feel you need to speak up and have your needs met Goddess Artemis will support you.

Use this to support you speak your mind in a loving way.

Sixth Chakra

This is associated with the Goddess Tara. Supporting you access your inner knowing, your creativity and your truth.

Use this blend if you want to support yourself listen to your gut instinct.

Seventh Chakra

This is associated with the Goddess Hera. Supporting you to get your ideas out of your head and grounded.

Use this blend to support you to believe in yourself.