What is a Red Tent Circle

What happens at a Red Tent New Moon Circle?

A Red Tent is a women’s gathering held at Dark Moon or New Moon.  It’s the time of the month when the Sun and the Moon are side by side, the masculine of the Sun energy sits beside his female counterpart the Moon.  

It is the nature of the feminine to be cyclical, receptive and reflective and as women we are governed by the Moon.    

In these circles we gather and listen to our inner wisdom.   We fill our cup so that we are able to give to others.    We can’t give what we don’t have. 

It’s a time, whether we like it or not, that we are drawn more inward, towards our emotional centre.   You may find your mood is lower at this time of the month or perhaps you find you are ruled by your emotions.  

Maybe you are feeling you are not coping and need to let some pressure out, maybe you need to cry or express an emotion such as rage.    

It’s a time to fill your own cup.  

At a Red Tent Circle you give yourself the space to go within and to just be, without judgement.    

I introduce to you the astrology for the month e.g. Which sign the New Moon is happening in.  

There will be a different feel to each of the new moon energies. 

We seed intentions for what it is we want in our life and shed what stops us getting there.

We honour our femininity in all its facets.  

If you the mother of a daughter I welcome you to bring your daughter(s) along so that she can enjoy being part of supportive community where she learns to honour herself for who she is.   

Please connect with my Facebook Group Keys to Unlocking Your Feminine Potential to get details of upcoming events.


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